Showing posts with label Text Function. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Text Function. Show all posts

How To Use SEARCH Function | Microsoft Excel

April 12, 2020 0
SEARCH Function used to find location of character or text string of one string from other text string. SEARCH Function returns the location of the character or text string from the starting point given by user.

Syntax of SEARCH Function


Argument of  SEARCH Function

find_text:the text or the character you want to find
within_text: the string in whichy you want to find a specific character
start_num: it is a optional. It is a starting point from where you want to find a specific character

Behaviour of SEARCH Function

A shown in the above
We have use an example of "Pineapple"
The find function will return the specific number on which a character is.
SEARCH p : It will return you 1 because P is at the beginning of the string
SEARCH e  : It will return you 4 because e is at the fourth location of the string
SEARCH l :  It will return you 8 because l is at the eighth location of the string

Use of SEARCH Function

To search the location of the specific character

Return of SEARCH Function

SEARCH Function return the location of the character from the string

How to Use FIND Function | Microsoft Excel

April 06, 2020 0
FIND Fucntion in excel finds the location of the character in the given srtring. FIND Function is case-sensitive.

Syntax of FIND Fucntion

= FIND(find_text,within_text,[start_num])

Arguments of FIND Fucntion

find_text:the text or the character you want to find
within_text: the string in whichy you want to find a specific character
start_num: it is a optional. It is a starting point from where you want to find a specific character

Behaviour of FIND Function

A shown in the above
We have use an example of "Pineapple"
The find function will return the specific number on which a character is.
FIND P : It will return you 1 because P is at the begaining of the string
FIND e  : It will return you 4 because e is at the fourth locatuion of the string
FIND l :  It will return you 8 because l is at the eightth location of the string

Use of FIND Fucntion

To find the location of the specific character

Return of FIND Fucntion

FIND Function return the location of the character from the string

Note 1: 

If there are no specific character you want in the string the FIND function will give #VALUE Error

How to Use EXACT Function in Excel | Microsoft Excel

December 03, 2019 0

Exact Function compare two word, if both are same it will return TRUE  otherwise it will return FALSE

Syntax for EXACT Function


Arguments of EXCAT Function

text1: required. the word which we want to compare
text2: required. the word which is to be compared with text1.

Behaviour of EXACT Function

Here we have taken examples of some fruit names and compare text 1 and text2
EXACT Function is case sensitive so here if we compare same name on with upper later and lower latter it will give result as FALSE.

Here Apple and apple is different so EXACT Function will return FALSE
Same as Banana and Banana is same so Exact Function will return TRUE

Use of EXACT Function

Exact function is used to comapare two or more texts 

Return of EXACT Function

EXACT Function will return TRUE or FALSE

How To Use CHAR Function | Microsoft Excel

March 07, 2019 0
Char Function
The CHAR Function is a text function which is used to place a character from the ASCII character set.

CHAR Function is working on two types of operating system Macintosh and Windows
Macintosh has its own Macintosh character set and Windows has ASCII Character set.

Syntax of CHAR Function


Arguments of CHAR Function

number: It is mandatory. From the ASCII set you can write any number from 0 to 255. Some numbers have not specified characters.

Behaviour of CHAR Function

how to use char function

You can see the ASCII codes for different numbers from Here
Here we have used some of the codes for examples

The 33  number is dedicated to an Exclamation mark(!) same as 
37 is Percentage(%)
65 is Upper Case latter A(A)
51 is numerical value 3(3)
64 is At(@)
70 is Upper Case Latter F(F)

and As so on...


  • The limit of the CHAR Function is from 0 to 255
  • Some of the characters are not visible because they are specified for languages(For Example 0 is specified as null means break of the line)
Use of the CHAR Function
you can use such symbols and characters that are not available on the keyboard

Returns of the CHAR Function

CHAR Function returns the character from the computes's character set as per given value

How To Use MID Function | Microsoft Excel

August 16, 2018 0
MID Function

MID Function returns a specific range(From the middle of the text) of the characters from the string or text

Syntax of MID Function


Arguments of MID Function

text: It is a string or text which you want to extract
start_num: a number of character from where you want to extract.
num_char: to how many characters want in return

Behavior of MID Function

how to use mid function in excel
You have a broad data and you just want to retrieve only some characters of the column at that time this function comes to action.
Here we have taken five names. And I want character between 3 characters to  8th character of names so here I have used a MID function.
This function returns me from 3rd character to 8th character of the string.

Usage of MID Function

To get a limited character from long strings(text)

Return of MID Function

MID will return a small part of the string in between the string

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How To Use RIGHT Function | Microsoft Excel

August 16, 2018 0
RIGHT Function

Right Function will return the specified character from the reference string from the right side.

Syntax of RIGHT Function


text: It is a string or text which you want to extract
num_char: how much character you want in return

Behavior of RIGHT Function

how to use right function
You have a broad data and you just want to retrieve only some characters of the column at that time this function comes to action.
Here we have taken five names. And I want only last 5 letters of names so here I have used a right function.
If you do not describe that how much characters you want in return, a RIGHT function will return only last character of the string.
This function returns me last five characters of the names.

Usage of RIGHT Function

To get a limited character from long strings(text)

Return of RIGHT Function

RIGHT will return a small part of the string from the right side of string(text)

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How To Use LEFT Function | Microsoft Excel

August 16, 2018 0

Left Function will return the specified character from the reference string from the left side.

Syntax of LEFT Function


Arguments of LEFT Function

text: It is a string or text which you want to extract
num_char: how much character you want in return

Behavior of LEFT Function

how to use left function

You have a broad data and you just want to retrieve only some characters of the column at that time this function comes to action.

Here we have taken five names. And I want only 5 letters of names so here I have used a left function.

If you do not describe that how much characters you want in return LEFT function will return only first character of the string.

This function returns me first five characters of the names.

Usage of LEFT Function

To get a limited character from long strings(text)

Return of LEFT Function

LEFT will return a small part of the string from the left side of string(text)

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How to use PROPER, UPPER and LOWER Function | Microsoft Excel

August 15, 2018 0
how to use proper, upper and lower function

PROPER Function

PROPER Function is used to Capitalize the first letter of the word and remaining letters are converted into lowercase. PROPER Function simplifies the editing of text

Syntax of PROPER Function


Arguments for PROPER Function

text: the text which you want to convert in a proper way

Behavior of PROPER Function

Here we have taken an example of irregular text and you can see after using PROPER Function the text are looks regular
mahaTma gaNDhi Becomes Mahatma Gandhi after using PROPER Function
SARDAR PATEL Becomes Sardar Patel after using PROPER Function
manmohan singh Becomes Manmohan Singh after using PROPER Function

Usage of PROPER Function

To capitalize each letter of the word

Return of PROPER Function

Regularized text


UPPER Function

UPPER Function is used to convert text to upper case. 

Syntax for UPPER Function


Arguments for UPPER Function

text: this is the text which you want to convert into UPPER case

Behaviour of UPPER Function

how to use upper function

Here we have taken the example of three names which is not regularised text. UPPER Function will convert this ir-regularised text into UPPER case
mahaTma gaNDhi Becomes MAHATMA GANDHI after using UPPER Function
SarDar patEL Becomes SARDAR PATEL after using UPPER Function
manMOHAN sinGH Becomes MANMOHAN SINGH after using UPPER Function

Usage of UPPER Function

To convert text into UPPER case

Return  of UPPER Function

UPPER Function will return the same text into UPPER case


LOWER Function

LOWER Function is used to convert text to lower case. 

Syntax for LOWER Function


Arguments for LOWER Function

text: this is the text which you want to convert into LOWER case

Behaviour of LOWER Function

how to use lower function

Here we have taken the example of three names which is not regularised text.LOWER Function will convert this not regularised text into LOWER case
mahaTma gaNDhi Becomes "mahatma gandhi" after using LOWER Function
SarDar patEL Becomes "sardar patel" after using LOWER Function
manMOHAN sinGH Becomes "manmohan singh" after using LOWER Function

Usage of LOWER Function

To convert text into LOWER case

Return  of LOWER Function

LOWER Function will return the same text into LOWER case

How To Use TRIM Function | Microsoft Excel

August 15, 2018 0
how to use trim function

TRIM function will remove the additional spaces in the cell and leave the content with one space between the words. TRIM function converts text from irregular spaces to regular spaces between the words

Syntax of TRIM Function


Arguments of TRIM Function

text: text which you want to remove additional spaces

Behavior of TRIM Function

Here you can see the spaces between the words and line break, which is removed by TRIM function

Usage of TRIM Function

To remove additional spaces from the text.

Return of TRIM Function

Regularly spaced text

How To Use CONCATENATE Function | Microsoft Excel

August 13, 2018 0
how to use concatenate function in excel

CONCATENATE Function is used to join two or more text together.You can use also Ampersand (&)

Syntax of CONCATENATE Function


Arguments of CONCATENATE Function

text1: the first value
text2: the second value to join

Behavior of CONCATENATE Function

concatenate function in excel
CONCATENATE Function in Excel
You can see in the above image of Excel. We have taken three fruit name and make it in one line by using CONCATENATE Function.
We have joined that three fruit name by writing "and" between the reference cell.

Using Ampersand(&)

how to use concatenate function

Here we have used & to joint the values. You have to use " "(Double Quote then Space and then  Double Quote) for space between two values.

Usage of CONCATENATE Function

To join two text from the from the cell

Return of CONCATENATE Function

A string of cell.

Error Values

Error CommandsDescription
Shown "
Where " mark applied more than one time
Which is shown in the result
" mark missing in the formula

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