Count function will count only numerical values from the cell in the range given by you.
Count function will not count any non-numerical values.
Syntax of COUNT Function
Arguments of COUNT Function
Requiredvalue1: it is the range or reference of cells in which you have to count numerical values
value2: it is also reference or range of cells in which you have to count numerical values. a limit is 0 to 255 cells
Behavior of COUNT Function
Here we have taken an example of some numbers, blanks cells and a non-numerical value and a date.
The count function will count all the numerical data from the selected range.
This will return 5 because of the there are five numerical values in the range
Count function will no count blank cell and nonnumerical cells.
Important Notes
- If any cell has a text value and converted to numerical than the count function counts the cell as a numerical value.
- If the cell contains alphanumerical values than count function will count the cell as the numerical value is present, For Example, "nirmal12" will count as a numerical value
- If any value has an error then it will not be counted For Example, "#VALUE" will not be counted
Usage of COUNT Function
To count numerical values from the specific range
Return of the COUNT Function
How much numerical values exist in the specific range.