Showing posts with label Pivot Table. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pivot Table. Show all posts

How to Use Excel Pivot Table | Microsoft Excel

May 13, 2019 0
Pivot Table
Pivot table is a table which summerise data of large database which includes some mathematical function like sum, average, count etc

Here we are taking a small example to learn Pivot Table in Excel

I have data of three company and its product, sell in 2018 and sell in 2019.


Insert Pivot Table

Step 1 Click on Insert tab

Step 2 Select Pivot Chart

Step 3 Select Pivot Chart & Pivot Table

Pivot Table
Step 4 A window Will Open

Analyze Data

Choosing Data For Analyze

Select Table or Range

Here We have to choose Table or Range of table If you have selected a cell in the and after you apply Pivot Table Table name will appear automatically. 
Otherwise, you can manually select the table by a range.

Use an external data source

If you have a table in another worksheet and you want pivot table in existing worksheet you can use this option 
You just have to select the table from other worksheets.

Choosing the place where to Display Pivot chart

New Worksheet

If you want to your pivot chart to another worksheet you can use this option.

Existing Worksheet

If you want your pivot chart in the same worksheet use this option

Here we have a table automatically selected in the option and we want pivot table in new worksheet 
so here we select New Work sheet
Then Click on Ok

Step 5
Ina new worksheet you can see a blank pivot tabel, blank chart 1 and in the right side of the sheet youcan see a Pivot Chart Field Window as shown below

Blank Pivot Table
Blank Pivot Table
Blank Pivot Chart1
Blank Pivot Chart
The details of the headers of ther table
Pivot Table Fields
Step 6 We have to select the fields we want to show or analyze on the pivot table
Table Data Selection

Here We have selcted all the four possible values from the pivot chart field

We have place Company in filter block

Same As

Product in Axis (Rows)
Sell in 2018 and sell in 2019 in Values Section

Step 7 Here you can see a analyzed data of cars of all the company


Step 8 Now you can change the selection of the company to view a specific compny sell 
Here we have to click on the down arrow shown near(all) and select the company name of which we have analyze data
Step 9 Here you can see a Filtered data of Mahidra Company. You can apply it for on, two or more than two objects also
Filtered Data

Step 10 You can short data by simply using right click on the column in which you want to short the data ande select the sort smallest to larhest or sort largest to smallest.
Short by Column

Will give you this result
we have apply short Smallest to Largest in second column
Shorted Data
Step 11 Use right Click on the Column you want to summeries data
Here are Sum, Count, Min, Max, Product and more options are available 
We have used max 
Summerised By
Will give result
Here in the grand total the maximum valuf of the colum will show
Step 12 Pivot Chart of the data analyzed