Showing posts with label LOGICAL Functionbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOGICAL Functionbs. Show all posts

BITOR Function

August 15, 2018 0

how to use bitor function in excel

BITOR is a bitwise operation which returns a decimal number of two bitwise OR operation.


=BITOR(number1, number2)


number1: First numerical value for BITOR operation 
number2: Second numerical value for BITOR operation


We have taken an example for bitwise operation first four numbers are shown how operation perform in bitwise OR

If number 1 or number 2 are "1" than BITOR returns "1" otherwise it will return "0"

in last row you can see we have taken number1 as "11" and number 2 as "12" and BITOR returns "15".

See How                                             8 4 2 1
in the binary system, 11 is written as 1 0 1 1
and                            12 is written as 1 1 0 0 
So here BITOR Function will give you the number where both "1" or anyone have "1" is present it is"15"


BITOR is used to bitwise calculation in digital programming.


Decimal number evaluated by bitwise operation


Number1 and number 2 should not be greater than (2^48)-1

BITXOR Functioon

August 15, 2018 0
how to use bitxor function in excel

BITXOR is a bitwise operation which returns a decimal number of two bitwise XOR operation.


=BITXOR(number1, number2)


number1: First numerical value for BITXOR operation 
number2: Second numerical value for BITXOR operation


We have taken an example for bitwise operation first four numbers are shown how operation perform in bitwise XOR

If number 1 and number 2 are "1" and/or "0" (Both are same) than BITXOR returns "0" otherwise it will return "1"

in last row you can see we have taken number1 as "11" and number 2 as "12" and BITXOR returns "7".

See How                                             8 4 2 1
in the binary system, 11 is written as 1 0 1 1
and                            12 is written as 1 1 0 0 
So here BITXOR Function will give you the number where "1" and "0" is present it is"7"


BITXOR is used to bitwise calculation in digital programming.


Decimal number evaluated by bitwise operation


Number1 and number 2 should not be greater than (2^48)-1


August 15, 2018 0
how to use bitrshift function in excel

The function BITrSHIFT is a bitwise operation which shifts a bit to the right side of its binary number system




number: a positive number greater than or equal to "0"
Shift_Amount: till how many numbers you want to shift the bit


We have taken an example for a bitwise right shift of the bits on the numerical. The calculation of the bitwise operation is in a binary system 

Here the number 98 is in the binary number system and shift amount is in a binary number and the value after right shift of bits are shown.


BITRSHIFT is used to bitwise operation in digital programming


Decimal number evaluated by bitwise operation


A number should not be greater than (2^48)-1


August 15, 2018 0
how to use bitlshift function in excel

The function BITLSHIFT is a bitwise operation which shifts a bit to the left side of its binary number system




number: a positive number greater than or equal to "0"
Shift_Amount: till how many numbers you want to shift the bit


We have taken an example for a bitwise left shift of the bits on the numerical. The calculation of the bitwise operation is in a binary system

Here the number 5 is in the binary number system and shift amount is in a binary number and the value after left shift of bits are shown.


BITLSHIFT is used to bitwise operati0n in digital programming


Decimal number evaluated by bitwise operation


A number should not be greater than (2^48)-1

How TO Use TRUE Function | Microsoft Excel

July 28, 2018 0
how to use true function in excel

TRUE Function is used to show you the value you enter is TRUE or is not a value in applied criteria.

TRUE is randomly used function.
TRUE Function is used with other logical functions 

Syntax of TRUE Function


Arguments of TRUE Function

It is a return value on the parameters used in formula or function

Behavior of TRUE Function

Here we have taken an example of the months and its figures to evaluate the TRUE Function

Here we have taken condition if the value is less than 70 then INVALID otherwise it will return TRUE Function
Here JANUARY has 55 which is less than 70 so it returns INVALID
And APRIL has 75 which is greater than 70 so it returns TRUE Function.

Usage of TRUE Function

TRUE Function is used with other logical functions and Generate the TRUE value

Returns of TRUE Function

TRUE Function returns the TRUE


Instead of using TRUE Function you can directly write TRUE in the argument to get the value.