Showing posts with label LOGICAL Functionbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOGICAL Functionbs. Show all posts

BITOR Function

August 15, 2018 0

how to use bitor function in excel

BITOR is a bitwise operation which returns a decimal number of two bitwise OR operation.


=BITOR(number1, number2)


number1: First numerical value for BITOR operation 
number2: Second numerical value for BITOR operation


We have taken an example for bitwise operation first four numbers are shown how operation perform in bitwise OR

If number 1 or number 2 are "1" than BITOR returns "1" otherwise it will return "0"

in last row you can see we have taken number1 as "11" and number 2 as "12" and BITOR returns "15".

See How                                             8 4 2 1
in the binary system, 11 is written as 1 0 1 1
and                            12 is written as 1 1 0 0 
So here BITOR Function will give you the number where both "1" or anyone have "1" is present it is"15"


BITOR is used to bitwise calculation in digital programming.


Decimal number evaluated by bitwise operation


Number1 and number 2 should not be greater than (2^48)-1

BITXOR Functioon

August 15, 2018 0
how to use bitxor function in excel

BITXOR is a bitwise operation which returns a decimal number of two bitwise XOR operation.


=BITXOR(number1, number2)


number1: First numerical value for BITXOR operation 
number2: Second numerical value for BITXOR operation


We have taken an example for bitwise operation first four numbers are shown how operation perform in bitwise XOR

If number 1 and number 2 are "1" and/or "0" (Both are same) than BITXOR returns "0" otherwise it will return "1"

in last row you can see we have taken number1 as "11" and number 2 as "12" and BITXOR returns "7".

See How                                             8 4 2 1
in the binary system, 11 is written as 1 0 1 1
and                            12 is written as 1 1 0 0 
So here BITXOR Function will give you the number where "1" and "0" is present it is"7"


BITXOR is used to bitwise calculation in digital programming.


Decimal number evaluated by bitwise operation


Number1 and number 2 should not be greater than (2^48)-1


August 15, 2018 0
how to use bitrshift function in excel

The function BITrSHIFT is a bitwise operation which shifts a bit to the right side of its binary number system




number: a positive number greater than or equal to "0"
Shift_Amount: till how many numbers you want to shift the bit


We have taken an example for a bitwise right shift of the bits on the numerical. The calculation of the bitwise operation is in a binary system 

Here the number 98 is in the binary number system and shift amount is in a binary number and the value after right shift of bits are shown.


BITRSHIFT is used to bitwise operation in digital programming


Decimal number evaluated by bitwise operation


A number should not be greater than (2^48)-1


August 15, 2018 0
how to use bitlshift function in excel

The function BITLSHIFT is a bitwise operation which shifts a bit to the left side of its binary number system




number: a positive number greater than or equal to "0"
Shift_Amount: till how many numbers you want to shift the bit


We have taken an example for a bitwise left shift of the bits on the numerical. The calculation of the bitwise operation is in a binary system

Here the number 5 is in the binary number system and shift amount is in a binary number and the value after left shift of bits are shown.


BITLSHIFT is used to bitwise operati0n in digital programming


Decimal number evaluated by bitwise operation


A number should not be greater than (2^48)-1

How TO Use TRUE Function | Microsoft Excel

July 28, 2018 0
how to use true function in excel

TRUE Function is used to show you the value you enter is TRUE or is not a value in applied criteria.

TRUE is randomly used function.
TRUE Function is used with other logical functions 

Syntax of TRUE Function


Arguments of TRUE Function

It is a return value on the parameters used in formula or function

Behavior of TRUE Function

Here we have taken an example of the months and its figures to evaluate the TRUE Function

Here we have taken condition if the value is less than 70 then INVALID otherwise it will return TRUE Function
Here JANUARY has 55 which is less than 70 so it returns INVALID
And APRIL has 75 which is greater than 70 so it returns TRUE Function.

Usage of TRUE Function

TRUE Function is used with other logical functions and Generate the TRUE value

Returns of TRUE Function

TRUE Function returns the TRUE


Instead of using TRUE Function you can directly write TRUE in the argument to get the value.

How To Use FALSE Function | Microsoft Excel

July 28, 2018 0
how to use false function in excel

FALSE Function is used to show you the value you enter is FALSE or is not a value in applied criteria.

FLASE is randomly used function.
FALSE Function is used with other logical functions 

Syntax of FALSE Function


Arguments of FALSE Function

It is a return value on the parameters used in formula or function

Behavior of FALSE Function

Here we have taken an example of the months and its figures to evaluate the FALSE Function

Here we have taken condition if the value is greater than 70 then valid otherwise it will return FALSE Function
Here JANUARY has 55 which is less than 70 so it returns FALSE Function
And APRIL has 75 which is greater than 70 so it returns VALID.

Usage of FALSE Function

FALSE Function is used with other logical functions and Generate the FALSE value

Returns of FALSE Function

FALSE Function returns the FALSE


Instead of using FALSE Function you can directly write FALSE in the argument to get the FALSE value.

How TO Use NOT Function | Microsoft Excel

July 28, 2018 0
how to use not function in excel

NOT Function is used to show the opposite of the true value.

If we give TRUE in NOT logic it will give FALSE and viseversa.

Syntax of NOT Function


Arguments of NOT Function

Logic: The value or logic which is evaluated as TRUE or FALSE

Behavior of NOT Function

Here we have taken an example in which we have used not function in a logical expression and for the value only
You can see that we have used NOTfunctionn for number 55
=NOT(55>50): This is a TRUE condition so NOT function shows it as FALSE
=NOT(55<50): This is a FALSE condition so NOT function shows it as TRUE
Now if you use 
=NOT(TRUE): It will show you FALSE [Opposite of TRUE]
=NOT(1): It will show you FALSE
=NOT(0): It will show you TRUE.

Usage of NOT Function

NOT function is used for returns opposite value.

Returns of NOT Function

NOT function returns the opposite value of the original value or refrence

How To Use OR Function | Microsoft Excel

July 28, 2018 0

how to use or function in excel

OR Function is a logical function which tests the value. If any logic fulfills the condition it will return TRUE otherwise it will return FALSE.
OR function is used with other logical function to prevent nested functions.

Syntax of OR Function


Arguments of OR Function

Logical1: It is a condition to evaluate the result
Logical2: (Optional) It is the second Condition to evaluate the result

Behavior of OR Function

Here we have taken an example in which name of the month and its color to test the OR function.
Here we have used two conditions, First is the color in the D6 is "RED" and Second is the color in the D6 is "Green".
OR Function will return if any of this two condition is true in other words OR Function will return TRUE if D6 have "RED" or GREEN".
In FEBRUARY is in BLUE color. so here OR function will return FALSE

Usage of OR Function

OR Function is used to evaluate multiple functions

Returns of OR Function

OR Function returns TRUE if logical condition fulfills otherwise it will return FALSE.

How To Use IFERROR Function | Microsoft Excel

July 28, 2018 0
how t use iferror function in excel

IFERROR function is used when a formula has return error like "#N/A", #VALUE", #NAME" at that time the error will hide by a predefined value.

Syntax of IFERROR Function

=IFERROR(Value, Value if error)

Arguments of IFERROR Function

Value: return values from reference or formula which contains error
Value if error: Predefined value to be shown on behalf of error

Behavior of IFERROR Function

Here we have taken an example of the data in which month names and its figures are shown.
Here we have used IFERROR function which shows the value of dividing 55 by a letter JANUARY will return INVALID.
If we use the division function without IFERROR it will return #VALUE error. 
#VALUE error will not look good in your sheet so we can have to look a specific name to cover up the error.

Usage of IFERROR Function

This function is used to detect an error and handle in a smart way

Returns of IFERROR Function

If an error detected then the function will return predefined value

IF Function

July 28, 2018 0
how to use if function in excel

IF Function is well known conditional function. IF function used with other logical functions also.

IF function compares two values or functions and returns conditional true value or false value.

=If(Condition, Condition is true, Condition is False)

Here we have created a function for testing
  • If A is greater than B then IF function will return TRUE
  • If A is not greater than B then IF function will return FALSE


=If(Logical Test, [If logical Test True],[If Logical Test False])


Logical Test: A value or a condition which we want to evaluate
If Logical True: If logical Test is true then this value is return
If Logical False: If logical test is false then this value is return


Here we have taken an example in which month names and its figures are shown

We have applied IF function for the condition that, figures are more than 60 then it will return PROFIT and figures are less than 60 then it will return LOSS.

Here JANUARY is less than 60 then the function returns LOSS
And FEBRUARY is greater than 60 then the function returns PROFIT.


IF function is used for specific conditional testing of the data.


IF function returns two results,
The first result if the condition is true or 
The second result if the condition is false.

IFNA Function

July 23, 2018 0
how to use ifna function in excel

IFNA Function is used when a formula returns #N/A Error. in Place of the #N/A Error you can show predefined Value.


=IFNA(Value, Value if na)


Value: The value reference or a formula to test for error
Value if na: returns Predefined value when #N/A Error found


Here we have taken an example of the month and its figure.

Now we use VLOOKUP function to create #N/A Error. In the F column, it will show #N/A error.

Now we use IFNA Function as shown in the above figure which will replace #N/A error to "NOT AVAILABLE"


IFNA is used for to find #N/A error and replace with predefined value


IFNA returns predefined value as #N/A error found


July 11, 2018 0

AND Function

July 11, 2018 0
how to use and function in excel

AND Function is a logical function. AND Function is used for more than one condition also.
AND Function will return only "TRUE" and "FALSE" value.

If the logical condition of the function Fulfils then AND return "TRUE, otherwise it will return "FALSE"


= AND(logical1,[logical2],...)

logical1: The first condition or first value of the condition
logical2: (optional)The second condition or second value of the condition


Here we have taken an example of the data in which month names and its figures are shown.

we have applied AND function in it with the condition that if the value in the "D" column is greater than 60(D6>60) and less than 90(D6<90) than the function will return "TRUE" Otherwise it will return "FALSE"


AND function can be used with multiple conditions.


TRUE: If an argument follows the condition
FALSE: If an argument does not follow the condition