How TO Use TRUE Function | Microsoft Excel

how to use true function in excel

TRUE Function is used to show you the value you enter is TRUE or is not a value in applied criteria.

TRUE is randomly used function.
TRUE Function is used with other logical functions 

Syntax of TRUE Function


Arguments of TRUE Function

It is a return value on the parameters used in formula or function

Behavior of TRUE Function

Here we have taken an example of the months and its figures to evaluate the TRUE Function

Here we have taken condition if the value is less than 70 then INVALID otherwise it will return TRUE Function
Here JANUARY has 55 which is less than 70 so it returns INVALID
And APRIL has 75 which is greater than 70 so it returns TRUE Function.

Usage of TRUE Function

TRUE Function is used with other logical functions and Generate the TRUE value

Returns of TRUE Function

TRUE Function returns the TRUE


Instead of using TRUE Function you can directly write TRUE in the argument to get the value.

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