Welcome To Excel Trivia

Microsoft Excel is all about working on spreadsheets. Grid of the cell arranged numbered rows and latter named columns for performing different types of operations. Excel has many functions like Engineering, Statical, Text that can help to solve data calculations and analysis. 

There are 16384 columns start from latter A to XFD and 1048576 rows in Microsoft Excel 2016.
You can use that much space to create datasheets.

1.Cell: Cell is a place where you can write, edit, delete or modify your data, function and formulas. You can change the size of the cell and change fill and text color. You can also use a cell as a reference or to create any function. Cell has a specific address which is shown on the left upper corner.

2. Range: Range is a bunch of selected cells. Selecting a range and applying operation can simplify the process and time-saving. You can select odd-even range by using ctrl key and mouse pointer.

3. Menu:  There are different type of menus used as per the requirement of the operation. 
File Menu contains the basic operation of the worksheet like New(Will open a new Workbook)Open(Will open a window to open an existing file from the system) etc
There are other menus like insert, page layout, formula, etc

4. Ribbon: Ribbon is the most helpful to perform any operation in excel. Ribbon has different operation options to form the menu selected. There are so many options in Insert menu which we can access by using ribbon.

5. Function : Function is a pre-defined formula in Microsoft Excel. Using the data of your sheet and help of the functions you can calculate or analyze your data. Functions are SUM, AVERAGE, etc

6: Formula :  Formula is the combination of manually using operators. you can do sum by using such formulas like, In cell "=A1+A2"  which will give you a sum of the A1 and A2. you can use operators like +,-,*,/, etc for different operations.

You can find the most useful shortcuts from here Excel Short cuts

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